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A. Any member or non-member may be disciplined, fined, placed on probation, barred from club sponsored events, or suspended from all NCWSA privileges (not to exceed one year), whenever it shall have been established by a preponderance of the evidence that such member, or nonmember, has been found to have violated the stated rule, or rules at a club sponsored event.

B. The President may appoint a special Hearing Committee to conduct any disciplinary hearing. The committee shall have a minimum of three (3) and a maximum of seven (7) members and a majority shall constitute a quorum for hearing purposes. Members of the committee must be NCWSA members in good standing.
C. Three (3) members of the BOD shall constitute a quorum for the purposes of disciplinary action.
D. The decision of the BOD or Hearing Committee shall be final and binding on all parties.
E. When the rule in question contains a specific punishment provision, any disciplinary action taken by the Hearing Committee must be consistent with that provision.
F. When a fine or penalty is not contained in the rule pertaining to the complaint, the Hearing Committee or BOD shall assess same in accordance with the severity of the rule infraction.
G. When anyone shall be accused, by the BOD or by a Hearing Committee of any rule violation, the accused party shall be sent a letter by the BOD outlining the alleged violation and given not less than fifteen (15) days notice of time and place for hearing such accusation, and at which time and place they shall have the opportunity, in person, or by council to be heard and to present evidence in their own behalf and to hear and refute evidence in their own behalf and hear and refute evidence offered against them. It is acceptable for the Committee and the accused to meet by means of a telephone conference call, which shall be followed by a written report or recorded statement.
H. Every notice required by these rules may be served by delivering a copy of the notice to the person to be served, or his attorney, either in person or by certified mail, postage prepaid, to his last known address upon mailing, such notice shall be deemed received by such person when it is deposited in the United States mail.
I. No continuance shall be granted unless requested in writing at least seven (7) days prior to the hearing, and good cause shown. A continuance shall be granted or denied at the sole discretion of the NCWSA President or Chairman of the Hearing Committee.
J. When the BOD or a Hearing Committee has ruled on a complaint and disciplinary action has been taken against a member, or non-member, the person's name, the rule violated, and the disciplinary action taken shall be published in the NCWSA newsletter.
K. Any member or non-member may be fined, placed on probation, or suspended, from all NCWSA privileges for failure to pay any obligation owing to the NCWSA or for giving a worthless check for entry fees, office charges, stock charges, premiums, or any other fees or charges connected with the exhibition of herding dogs, provided however, that this person (member or non-member) shall be given twenty one (21) days written notice of the amount due and the intention of the NCWSA to fine, place on probation or suspend. Any suspension under this rule shall terminate upon full payment of the obligation due the NCWSA.
L. Any member or non-member passing a bad check or checks at a NCWSA sanctioned trial or event which would effect the image or benefit of the local trial management will be fined $25 (25) for each such check and must write a letter of apology and make check good for first offense; second offence, member will be suspended and fined one hundred (100) dollars; third offense, member will be suspended and must appear before the Hearing Committee for reinstatement AFTER restitution of check or checks has been made.

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