The Scottish Games were held in Pleasanton, CA on August 30 & 31, 2003. George Costa was the judge, Kriss Costa was the announcer, Russ Dotson & Michele Krone were the stock providers and handlers with help from Sara Hoag, Kathy Bonemeyer and Yvette Cook.Timers,and score keepers included Edie Losch, Bill & Bonnie Richardson, Rusty Jeffers and Susan Hoag. Tallying scores are Edie Losch and Jack Mathieson. The course was challenging, too much pressure from handler or dog and the sheep said "no". Some good pieces of work were completed by many, but the total picture was presented by a few.
Congratulations are in order to the following:
Advanced--High Combined--Belt Buckle Winners 1. Yvette Cook Moss 2. Jennifer Mask Bob
Intermediate--High Combined--Belt Buckle winners 1. Jennifer Mask Ash 2. Sara Lisiecki Tim
Saturday, August 30, 2003--Intermediate 1. Sara Lisiecki Tim 2. Sara Lisiecki Kep 3. Jennifer Mask Ash 4. Jane Harrison Tuff 5. Teri Tucker Duffy
Saturday, August 30, 2003--Advanced 1. Susan Hoag Sis 2. Sandra Milberg Scott 3. Jennifer Mask Bob 4. Susan Hoag Moss 5. Yvette Cook Moss
Sunday, August 31, 2003--Intermediate 1. Polly Lowry Jenna 2. Sara Lisiecki Kep 3. Jennifer Mask Ash 4. Jennifer Mask Jed 5. Sara Lisiecki Tim
Sunday, August 31, 2003--Advanced 1. Yvette Cook Moss 2. Jennifer Mask Bob 3. Sandra Milberg Scott 4. Karen Kollgaard Heidi 5. Tom Spencer Sadie